
A.H. Browning

“He who learns must suffer. And, even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.” — Aeschylus.


Some lessons which endeavor to teach
Are ripe with right soundness and joy

Yet some infringe and invade our existence
With rivers of of inexhaustible tears

And if wisdom is sought, as it should be
What then is the profit and cost
Do I gain a life painted in knowledge, profound
Or perhaps earn perturbation and innocence lost

If ignorance is bliss, then why should I try
To explore the ocean’s depths or reach for the skies
Be careful what you wish for, I was warned as a child
Your desires might come true with life tarnished, defiled

Quietly enraptured, our Sun bleeding radiant life
As it rose o’er the horizon, shining to wake me
And now late, the stars kiss the soft brilliance of night
The Sun reflected in the eyes of a voiceless, still moon

Now the nighttide air embraces me
An earthly boundary between me and heaven shining above
My heart, desperate to reclaim any virtuous past
With hope for hidden wisdom and any innocence that might last

  • Author: A.H. Browning (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 11th, 2024 00:15
  • Comment from author about the poem: For me, wisdom can sometimes feel enigmatic at best. Edward Elgar (composer of the YouTube video attached) almost gave up on composing music. His close friend encouraged him to keep going, allowing everyone to enjoy his artistry through music. Elgar’s internal wisdom told him to stop composing. Thank goodness Elgar listened to his good friend’s encouragement to continue; one result is in the video above. On a personal note, any wisdom I have gained has often been in hindsight. I also want to mention my choice of mentioning our Sun in the poem. I used the Sun in this writing, to demonstrate how our perceptions can change. The Sun in the morning shining bright, and through the day shining bright, is the same Sun that is reflected in the moon at night. The Sun remains the same. The only thing that changes is our perception. So, in context of my life, what might have seemed to be a wise decision for me years ago may not seem the same way today. Conversely, what might have seemed to be an unwise choice in my past, might reveal itself as solid wisdom currently. Enigma. Thank you for looking and blessings to you and yours.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain, aDarkerMind
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  • aDarkerMind

    a very impressive write A H Browning.

    • A.H. Browning

      Thank you for looking and for your kind words. This is a repost of what I originally wrote a month or so ago. (I guess I am officially an old man now because I was having difficulty with successfully editing the original 😄)

      Kindest Regards
      Elder AH Browning

    • sorenbarrett

      A reflective poem that shows depth and wisdom that comes with age. Beautifully written.

      • A.H. Browning

        Thank you much for reading and your comments. Much appreciated.

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