Tune: Wareham
('Jesus, where'er thy people meet')
Luke 15 v.4-7
If one having a hundred sheep
That in the fold he there does keep
And if one is lost, the Shepherd kind
Shall search for it 'til he it find
And shall leave others, ninety nine
Sheep, though they be protected fine
But he goes to find sheep, the one lost
He puts in effort, time, and cost
And when he has found it he lays
It on his shoulders, there it stays
He rejoices and brings it home
Saying to others be glad, come
Come join in the celebration
For sheep is found, and lost is none
Likewise joy shall be in heaven
When a sinner repents midst men
More joy than o'er the ninety nine
Joy that is human and divine
They all be just, have repented
And the lost sheep found that had fled
orchidee (
- Published: July 13th, 2024 01:12
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 29
- Users favorite of this poem: Bella Shepard
Always liked this parable but always felt that it was a poor decision and poor management to risk the 99 for 1. Good write Orchi
Thanks SB. Yes, see what you mean. Well, I added that bit ...the 99 kept secure. I suppose they were - deputy shepherds?
Didn't the Prodigal Son show more initiative?
Thanks Dave. He follows a few verses afterwards.
Are you publishing the rest? I want my money's worth, please. Now will follow a series of prompts until....
I never said so! lol. I only mentioned the sheep bit. The Prodigal Son bit is considerably longer.
You are dissembling now, orchi. You stated quite clearly (above) that the Prodigal Son would follow.....
Part one and part two on their way? I shall confine my first campaign to a focus on part one, to be followed in moderately rapid succession by part two until completion..........
I meant the actual Bible verses! Now I've not done the lost coin yet. That comes next. lol.
Lost coin? Please elucidate.
It's the story/parable in between the lost sheep and the prodigal son.
Those 99 need to be well cared for before the search party goes out to find the one missing. Reminded me of Thomas Hardy. Far from the Madding crowd. The sheep dog drove the whole flock over the cliff edge. I was so shocked. Have a happy Saturday Orchi and that includes Mrs Botox 🙂
Thanks Cassie. I suppose the 99 were looked after - but it don't say. Maybe a more caring sheep dog kept them?!
No matter how lost we may be, there will be someone to bring us home. Thank you dear Orchi!
Thanks Bella. I'm lost with KP, and that's a fact! lol.
Just beware of that sheperd's staff she carries. lol
A rod and staff to 'comfort' us! She "comforts" me and bashes me with that staff. lol.
Just remember to duck. lol
for flock sake, this made me think of shepherds ..
Great work.
Thanks Tom.
Who is taking care of rest 99?
Thanks M. Yes, as others have commented too. I suppose under-shepherds, or sheepdogs, or both!
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