Flat Petulance (Villanelle)

Paul W Conway

Life plays his tricks and ever taunts me to adapt;
His latest lark is cruel and cuts me deep :
I cannot go to bed until the dog has crapp’d.

See how this wretched quadruped has me entrapped,
Pegged to his pitiless peristaltic creep; 
Life plays his tricks and ever taunts me to adapt.

That I of daily regimen so shrewdly mapp’d
To guarantee myself eight hours sleep
Now cannot go to bed until the dog has crapp’d

Seems joke so tasteless, raw, so bleak that I am apt
To lose count of my blessings. Angels, weep!
Life plays his tricks and ever taunts me to adapt.

Wherefore I nightly trudge the darkling way snow-capp’d
‘Til hound has cast his smelly little heap :
I cannot go to bed until the dog has crapp’d.

Oh Life, whose twists, surprises long held me enrapt,
Enjoy your humour’s melancholy reap;
Go play your tricks and ever taunt me to adapt :
I cannot go to bed until the dog has crapp’d.

  • Author: pWc (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 23rd, 2024 11:02
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 19
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Could be (I say 'could be') funniest villanelle on record.

    Do hang in here at MPS. It's a good site (apart from a few minor technical eccentricities), interactive and worth the effort.

  • Paul W Conway

    Thanks, Doggerel. I will hang in. Paul

    • Doggerel Dave

      Great - 'see you around. Dave

    • 2781

      At least it's regular.

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