One Word

Accidental Poet


She was like the most beautiful

Piece of music ever heard

On that first day I saw her

My only thought was one word



She showed me the meaning

Not just in definition

But an eternal feeling


A feeling I would know

For the rest of my life

An attraction to one girl

Who would be my heart’s forever wife


And even though

It was not to be

The change in me had begun

The love of my life is she


There would never be another

To reach so deep into my heart

Sharon’s name there in my core

Never ever to depart


The greatest of loves

There in all the history books

Known to many romantics

To shed tearful looks


But love is not about tears

Though tears will surely fall

For love knows no borders

A heart cannot resist its call


Love may come and love may go

It may make you happy or sad

But you have to admit

Even for a brief moment you were glad


For me love has been

A lifetime of those brief moments

Every time I remember her smile

I’ll forever be thankful for that bestowment


And even if she

Was my one chance for love

My life worth every day of living

Knowing within my heart there was love


Saddened I’ll never be

For her smile lives as I look inward

Reminding me always of

 One word


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024

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Comments +


  • Thomas W Case


  • orchidee

    A lovely write AP.
    KP only says one word to me. You know it: starts with B, has 5 letters, ends in X. lol.

    • Accidental Poet

      hmm lets see,

      bafoon, no that's 6 letters and no x
      ahh ya got me Orchi, what is it? 🤔

      • orchidee


      • Teddy.15

        When a heart is touched by love it stays no matter what. Beautiful dearest A.P 🌹

        • Accidental Poet

          Some things aren't meant to be, and somethings are. 🌹

        • Neville

          May your gods smile down and bless the pair of you .. beautifully constructed and heart-felt my friend ..🌹

          • Accidental Poet

            The Gods smiled upon me the first moment I saw her. Thanks N. 😊👍

          • sorenbarrett

            Not only a beautiful poem and thought but the message is even greater. Value what you have even if for just a moment it makes all worth while.

          • Tom Dylan

            A fine write, AP.

            • Accidental Poet

              Thanks Tom. Glad you enjoyed it. 😊

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