
David A Liebermann

I feel an emptiness
That makes me cry
I have this sadness
And I don't know why

I have been hiding
My true feeling
I have been lying
To myself and others

I need a break
Of all this madness
I need to find myself
And be me again

I want to be help
I want to be held
I want to feel love
I want to live

Why is it so difficult
To be whoever I want
Why I feel so hurt
And so vulnerable

I want my sadness to go away
And leave place to happiness
I want to enjoy life as it is
And run free and laugh

Is it even a possibility
To have those things
Or it is an Utopia
A dream that can't be reach

Is all this suffering will end
Before my last breath
Or should I resign myself
To live the hell on earth

I do not deserve to feel all that?
Why should I be punished that way
Am I such a monster
That need to go away

So much waste of time
This pursue to happiness
It is an unreachable dream
That met to broke you up

So maybe it is already here
But you do not see it
Maybe you need to open your mind
And see the world as it is

Open your eyes is the solution
And try to keep it that way
For finally enjoy your life
Finding the love that surrounds you
And seeing that happiness is in front of you.


  • Author: David A Liebermann (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 01:44
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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Comments +


  • Olive Anderson

    I like the timeline of your poem, from a conundrum to a solution. Truly the idea of "opening your eyes" is the action of stopping and observing the all that is around.

  • sorenbarrett

    It is true that only us can determine our happiness nicely said.

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