Where Peace Lies


bury me, once i die,
in the rich golden sand,
where my toes meet the tide,
where the water greets me as i stand.


satisfy my persistent yearning 
and lay me gently near the pearls
i once used to put out the fire burning,
in the depths of my heart's nerves.


you may as well let go of my soul
and spirit into the sea of the free,
for it will never let me fall,
and forever will grant me peace.

  • Author: Mya H. (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 03:45
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 38
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • sorenbarrett

    Wonderful imagery in a peaceful poem where I feel release so nicely said.in an artistic way

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