Fire pit


Fire up the pit

Gather round my friends

Let us sit and commune 

Talk and have fun


Watch the kids play





And other fun stuff

Running around like made


While us grown-ups take it easy 

Sitting by the fire pit

Talking about old times

Catching up on each other's lives

  • Author: Tony36 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 07:11
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 42
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • 2781

    Sounds like my childhood.

    • Tony36

      Thank you

    • orchidee

      Good write T.

      • Tony36

        Thank you

      • aDarkerMind

        very well written Tony

        • Tony36

          Thank you

        • Teddy.15

          I couldn't think.of anything more enjoyable 🌹

          • Tony36

            Thank you

          • Accidental Poet

            Might that be what it's all about Tony? 😉

            • Tony36

              Thank you

            • Cassie58

              You create such a warm and pleasant ambience with three stanzas. Fun times. Nicely penned Tony.

              • Tony36

                Thank you

              • sorenbarrett

                Been there done that. Sounds familiar.

                • Tony36

                  Thank you

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