Feminine Rage


Feminine rage isn’t always violent,

Feminine rage is understated defiance,

Remember how you rebelled a little and colored your hair bright purple in high school?

Feminine rage is writing emails,       

Remember how you composed that strongly worded email which you never meant to send, as a form of catharsis?

Feminine rage is focused determination,

Remember how you channeled your anger into that little creative project?

Feminine rage is silent resignation,

Remember how you quietly quit that job because of persistent sexism?

Feminine rage is avoidance,

Remember how you didn’t go to that family dinner because you knew they’d stress you out?

Feminine rage is purposeful ignorance,

Remember how you ignored them to make a point about unfair expectations?

Feminine rage isn’t always violent. 

  • Author: aneenaelzabinod (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 08:56
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 27
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  • 2781

    I don't remember

  • Doggerel Dave

    Believe it or not, much of the spirit of your poem applies to me, (though I've used different strategies) a so called heteronormative octogenarian and has done for most of my life.

  • sorenbarrett

    Too bad that there is a need for feminine rage. Well written it expresses the anger I feel through this poem

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