Unique is mom


As many and more,
being countless or just a few,

parallel worlds may exist,

Different eras of Time simultaneously
various spaces , distinct paths , separate roads
separate ways.

Do we hear the ticking clock?
Life seems to be surrounded by watches and clocks
the headquarters of terrorism, threatening not just oue lives but our lifetime.

Many Gods and Goddess  around the globe we approve, false beliefs or true,
their * being* none of them can really prove !!!!

There is only one being Indeed unique
In fact true some!

And everyone has one as a unique one!

one by one each man has one the only one for everyone!

Unique is Mother!

One of a kind, Mother is the truest unique one!

No need to hold a trail no judge but us all!

Thus uniqueness is the state only a mother would own!

  • Author: Golnarmn (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 28th, 2024 03:51
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 34
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  • sorenbarrett

    A wonderful tribute to a most important person. Nicely done

  • Doggerel Dave

    I do feel uplifted by the poetry and idealism...... but I have to tell you, it depends on the mother.....

    • Goli.Standbypoet

      Definitely you r right, it depends...thanks for reading it man

      • Doggerel Dave

        I'm Dave - are you Goli?

        • Goli.Standbypoet

          Hi Dave yeah it's Goali, pleasure to have you here

          • Doggerel Dave

            I shall try with all my might to remember the 'a'!

          • Thomas W Case

            Beautiful work.

          • Neville

            You are of course write .. I miss mine so badly .. Neville

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