Final Frontier

Mason Vollman

There's lots of bullshit going around,


about space and the ocean,


being the most unexplored frontier,


That belief is messed,


The most unexplored term, is death.


nobody can answer it,


Although the questions a hit,


What is death?


Is there an answer for it?


what is death?


Is it the end?


Is there an answer,


For where does it send?


The question is a silent trend,


Multiple heads pleading for the end,


Billions twisting the question in there minds,


is the answer a bend?


Will we know in time?


What is death?


is it worth the hurt?


Is what we believe the end,


really a start?


What is death?


should we be afraid of it?


should we be excited or scared,


or wait for it?


Unlike life,


Its what we all have in common,


stillborns, abortions,


lack the the gift of life,


but the gift of death..


May be the light,


death is is a gift, right?


its a gift as far as we can see with our sight,


Is death the end,


is death a start,


why is it inevitable,


when it it only breaks us apart?


what is the point,


you give and you take?


are they really gone?


Or is our perception fake?


What Is Death?


define this line,


Is it caused by time,


or is it caused by the mind?


What is death!


Lord give me a sign!


"With the question we see, but with the answer were blind?"


What Is Death?




The sting of death is sin.

and the power of sin is law.

1 Corinthians 15:56

  • Author: Mason Vollman (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 28th, 2024 12:51
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 15
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  • senjuro

    belive on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. Acts 16:31

  • orchidee

    Death is the last enemy that will be defeated. Though we call it a gift sometimes, e.g. a release for a terminally ill person.
    It may not always be 'sweet and gentle death' as a line of a hymn says. That's just sentimental I think.
    One wrote somewhere 'If death was a friend, we wouldn't do anything to try to stop, or delay it,'. And so medical research, etc continues.

  • orchidee

    But meanwhile - daft comment - if the s**t hits the fan, be facing the opposite direction! oooh!

    • Mason Vollman

      Yep! Lol, thanks Orchi.

      • orchidee

        I don't fancy being near that fan. lol.

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