Prayers In Perils


Tune: Rivaulx

(Father of heaven, whose love profound')

Psalm 57 v.1-7


O God, be merciful to me

For my soul does trust in you, see

In the shadow of your wings here

I will make my refuge, not fear


Here I will stay till troubles cast

On my path shall be overpast

I will cry unto God most high

He performs all for me, He nigh


He shall send from heaven and save

Me from reproach, the way shall pave

God shall send His truth and mercy

I by His grace shall be helped free


My soul it is among lions

They roar against me, evil ones

Their teeth as arrows, tongues sharp sword

I look to you, my living Lord


Be you exalted O God o'er

Above the heavens evermore

Let your glory be above earth

Your creatures give you your true worth


My heart is fixed, it be steadfast

Your help to me will surely last

I will awake and you praise give

Trusting in you, you ever live




  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 29th, 2024 01:43
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 17
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  • sorenbarrett

    Saved from the lion pit. Scary stuff Orchi. Nicely written though.

    • orchidee

      Thanks SB.

    • Neville

      are those lions actually lions or are they metaphors for the legions of nasty Roman fella's who did the emperors dirty deeds for him ..

      • orchidee

        Thanks N. Metaphors I think - enemies who growl and roar like loins, etc.

      • Bella Shepard

        A steadfast heart will see you through, that and possibly a whip and chair, at least that's what they used to use in the lions cage. Good one Orchi!

        • orchidee

          Thanks Bella. lol. I could use the whip and chair for KP, to keep her at bay. heehee.

          • Bella Shepard

            Who knows, the two of you could run off and join the circus. lol

            • orchidee


            • Thomas W Case


              • orchidee

                Thanks Tom.

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