First love


First love....

Feeling is just awesome 

Can't describe in word some


Late night conversation 

Thought full emotion

Curious to know more

From bottom of the heart's core


Taking one step further

Learning details of eachother 

Deepening the stranger bond 

By putting trust & effort 


Sharing every situation, 

Finding each other's words the only solution

Waiting for each other's text,

To make a long, tiring day the best.


Heartbeat became faster

After listen one voice-over

Deep ocean like eyes

Never tried of staring all times 


Best feeling ever,  

If it becomes forever,  

You are the luckiest one to treasure.

  • Author: Blossompayal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 29th, 2024 09:21
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 14
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  • Tony36

    Love it

  • sorenbarrett

    A wonderful description of first love and its pleasures. Nicely said

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