Still I Know


Still I Know

Still, I know the warmth of her embraces

and I know her looks of many faces.

Still, I know the sweetness of her kiss

and I know the breadth of her bliss.

Still, I know the tenderness in her arms

and I know the pleasure of her charms. 

Still, I have seen that shine in her eyes

and felt the hurt of her goodbyes.

Still, I know that she’ll be here tomorrow

and I know this will end my sorrow.

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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    Fixation on a love written nicely in verse well done

    • MendedFences27

      Thanks SB. I do believe I am Fixated on love poetry.

    • Bella Shepard

      This poem must be read aloud for the wonderful rhyming pattern which enhances every line. It is beautiful, tender and brimming with love, what could be better. Loved it!

      • MendedFences27

        Thanks Bella. So glad that you read it aloud, sometimes I use that as a test for what I write.

      • Neville

        this is a real treat Phil .. a meticulously crafted love poem with I imagine considerable longevity to keep it going round and round the MPS block .. 100/100 no less .. Neville

        • MendedFences27

          Thanks Neville. My poetry keeps me going around in circles. I'm guessing you've felt the same at times.

        • Doggerel Dave

          I can give ninety percent of love poetry a miss, Phil, but
          Still, I both enjoyed the content,
          And admired the structure and rhyme.

        • Thomas W Case


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