Capital Punishment


When coins were invented,

as was chosen sleaze,

all the pride invested,

gave birth to such a squeeze,


this repeated noose,

humanity enjoys,

paying for the screws loose,

all the girls and boys,


cat Cecil didn’t tally,

tokens made of gore,

but tooth-puller Wally,

will always need some more,


by man’s grand design,

a note, a bill, is god,

no good deed can redefine,

the need for such a rod,


that beats upon the skins,

of the master species,

spend the cash; on all the sins,

just breathe in all the faeces,


where the living dead,

continue with their bank,

if they wonder; no soul fed?

Themselves; they need to thank!

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 29th, 2024 10:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: When it comes to the inventions of mankind, money, by far, has become the most painstaking of them all. It has become our "comfort blanket's comfort blanket", so much so, that over our chosen repetition of it's importance over the millennia, we no longer can live without it, as it is now cemented into our core operation as a species. It is the cause of most of our worries, and the spreading of such self destruction. It funds all our wars, and causes nauseous concern when it comes to our domestic bills, when the wage isn't right, thus, mass suicides, due to crippling worry, increase all over the world. What on Earth were we thinking when we, the over-inflated important talking monkey species, decided to create the coin!? For it to be the measurement of success, and to put all altruistic good deeds in the shade! Hence, I give you this poem, a little twist on the phrase "Capital Punishment", where "capital" means money. Our invention of money, and our decision to make it so colossally important for us to sustain our lives, or as it the case may be, pay for our massacres, in order to massage certain egos to the size of cathedrals, it would seem that money, as an entity, is our punishment!! A punishment that we have made for ourselves!! I hope that you enjoy this poem, and as always, please do stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: Bella Shepard
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  • Bella Shepard

    “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil", even the bible has something to say on the subject. I think you've captured it wonderfully in this poem. The three words "cost of living" you hear so often, comes to mind in the context of what is a human life worth? Bravo, excellent write!

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read, for your lovely words, and for favouriting this poem Bella, it's very much appreciated.

      When it comes to religions, I see their texts, as brilliantly complex stories, which in some part, have laid down some good foundations; on how to behave well. However, the way that they have been mangled; by zealous, greedy, religious hustlers, in order for them to be used as the basis for wars, the only word that comes to mind is "crusade" which to me, as a result, is perhaps one of the most sickening words indeed.

      Also, I'm glad that you agree with the theme, because as you've mentioned, those three horrible words "cost of living", is in of itself, a defacing of the sanctity of life, either described from a practicing religious person, who believes in god, or a human spiritualist, who believes in the species, both of which, are trying hard to hold onto any purity of existence.

      So proud a talking money, that has made such a dangerous thing, to only walk around with a demeaning metaphorical price tag/earnings doc around their neck. Makes me sick.

      Thanks again, and I hope that all is well

      • Bella Shepard

        Amen my brother! All is well.

      • sorenbarrett

        Cleverly disguised in images with ambiguous meanings this carries a powerful message. Nicely done

        • AuburnScribbler

          Thanks for the read sorenbarrett, and I am glad that you enjoyed uncovering the imagery within the poem, that I hope has delivered a strong point on the operation of our species.

          I hope that all is well.

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