The Ghost of The Albatross

Petrichor of Love

Burdened by the shroud of my guilt,

I slowly walk down the memory lane

trekking the mountains of regret built

with haunting dreams of love, now slain.


My harrowed life is now left unlit

for having betrayed the Divine grace.

A voice hums in her traces, now slit

reminding me of every loved embrace.


The stars, I see, have stopped to stare

to mourn the loss on this silent night.

In their paleness, I see her there, 

a soul now protected by the moonlight.


With every step, I pierce the ground

is drenched in sins that I can't bear,

As her ghost stolidly roams around

asking questions, I answer not to dare.


Near the Glen, I'm lost on what to plea;

her memories that filled me with glee,

now torment and haunt the life of me

for the wrongs that I'd done to thee. 


For my ego, like a frog in a pond,

thought of itself above its domain

to severe the much-extolled bond

leaving behind torment and a burden. 


No Morn shall get her back to me

no fresh gale shall ease my loss,

For I, the sinner shall forever be, 

for having wilfully killed the albatross.

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  • sorenbarrett

    A great title and a brilliant tie in to the last line in the poem. Powerful and dark it evokes many emotions. Very well done

    • Petrichor of Love

      Thank you so much for your feedback. I appreciate your comment 💕

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