Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke

Notice of absence from Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke
I will surely get back to you when I come online.


Polygamy runs in their veins
Yes, some heriditary,
Some nurtured it and blame nature 
This, like trademark, 
That runs from generation to generation. 

Patriarchy the mandate of their oppression, 
Though the New religion 
has conditioned their libido 
under lock and key, 
Strictly for one man one wife. 

But they dwell in duality of religions, 
Remancing their Id, 
To visit many thighs,
And pour libations
in watery and dry temples. 

But when matriarchy starts theirs, 
They call it 'Feminism' 
Threatening them with divorce, 
The society is not fair
to this gender on skirts. 

No wonder! 
Transgender the order of the day, 
Lesbianism their hiding place, 
Many have migrated to trousers, 
Walking and talking like men. 

Today here he is, 
Walking arm in arm with her, 
But his neck sways here and there, 
Looking at another azuka like his, 
Dangling up and down. 

They are all the same, 
The difference lies in the value, 
Though beauty a point of attraction, 
Both nkiruka and azuka will fade away, 
But value will stand the test of time. 

Move on with your heartrob, 
Mend her in character and kwokirikwo, 
Only change is constant, 
The shoe is black, 
But one ought to shine it brightly. 

  • Author: Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 31st, 2024 02:38
  • Comment from author about the poem: The poem reflects on polygamy. Relationship/marriage gives room to polygamy. Men hardly date one woman, this is tie to their nurture in the family they come from. Men are not polygamy my nature, but by nurture and culture. African culture permits polygamy and it's part of us. Though the New religion restricts African men from marrying more than one wife. Even though the men marry one wife in the church, but they keep sidechicks outside their matrimony homes. Which is equal to polygamy or cheating.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 9
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • Maplespal

    Thank you for teaching me. I am one man that has never cheated on any of the women i have had a relationship with. Mind you, I am 50 years old and have only been in 2 relationships in my life. But stayed true to those two when with them.
    Sad that the culture still exists.

  • sorenbarrett

    Well said, understood although in symbols it speaks loudly.

  • Doggerel Dave

    An open window (as you have no hesitation doing) into, for me, another culture. Many thanks for that.
    However, I am able to gain insights into my own, as parallels do exist.

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