

think about the homeless theres no place to go
living in box in the rain and snow
living in the ruff  no where they can hide
no where to keep warm from the cold outside

think about there life and how it used to be
before they all became a homeless tragedy
think about homeless there are quite a few
and thank the lord above the homeless is not you

  • Author: jim56 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 31st, 2024 04:45
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 62
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  • sorenbarrett

    True indeed a poem that needs attention and has to be sead and read.

  • Cassie58

    It can happen to anyone Jim. Circumstances can change quickly. Compassion needed, it may not be a cure but it must help a little. Happy Wednesday.

    • jim56

      was homeless myself a long time ago
      not for long tho sorted myself out never looked back
      no what its like for others its not easy

      thankyou for as always lovely comment and my smile
      been hot again here been in garden all day more tan now
      looks like i have been on holiday lol xxx

    • Doggerel Dave

      Hear hear, Jim.

      • jim56

        thanks for comment means a lot

      • Dan Williams

        California, one state, has fully a third of the homeless in this country. Maybe you could mail this to this Newsome clown..

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