Pathway to More Pieces


Every Molecule, every atom
Tied together and tethered
Intertwined with mine
A love that lasts forever

Sentences completed
A promise never broken
Always understood
Even words unspoken 

A wish for every day
Although I cannot say
Intentions always pure
Make sure it’s here to stay

The colors of our eyes combined
Create the world we live
Although, I offer you my life
There’s so much more to give 

The moon ignites
The stars explode
One kiss from you
I will implode

If you can’t stand 
When it’s too much
Fall onto me
I’ll be your crutch

The path for us has just begun
I need your light, your smiling face
Looking back on everything
The pieces seem to fall in place

  • Author: Cocamedo (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2024 00:01
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 37
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cassie58
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  • Alan R


    • Cocamedo

      Thank you so very much

    • Cassie58

      Really enjoyed the sentiment in your stanzas. Penned beautifully. Happy Friday.

      • Cocamedo

        I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you!

      • sorenbarrett

        Particularly love the first stanza that applies to more than love. Neatly written with good rhyme

        • Cocamedo

          Thank you so much for your continued support Soren

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