
Tristan Robert Lange

The lines
Writhe like snakes  
As I write out—  
Scream out?—  
The colors penetrate  
The senses.  
Demand an audience  
With the Queen.  
It's not going,  
Not going at all.  
The demons.  
No, demons.  
Shine on,  
Shine off.  
The words melt  
Into the fractured  
Crevices of the mind.
  • Author: Tristan Robert Lange (Online Online)
  • Published: August 3rd, 2024 00:12
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
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  • orchidee

    I never knew there was so much 'activity' involve in writing. Well, I know now! Who is that bad hair guy in your pics?! lol.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Hahaha! He’s…she’s?…a wild person for sure! LOL! Thanks, as always, for reading and engaging!

    • sorenbarrett

      Words are powerful and create images so vivid that they may as well be reality. Nicely written

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