Order Out Of Chaos


Don't let politicians drive you mental,
None of this stuff is accidental.
Keir Starmer is no countries boss,
Their motto is order out of chaos.
Stoking the flames of hate and racism,
Total control is WEF's final mission.
Be very, very, very weary,
Don't think you've heard me.
Keep away from protests and riots,
Trouble causers going, inciting violence.
What's real and what's psyop lies?
Have discernment, open your eyes.
Still don't think you've heard me,
How can I say this more clearly?
.GOV want us squashed like a bug,
Remember vaxxed vs unvaxxed,
They don't give a fuck!

  • Author: Shaunmatthewcpoetry (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2024 01:19
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 27
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  • orchidee

    We know it's a conspiracy, you and I, pretending Man landed on the Moon in 1969. It was us two first. We landed there about 5 million years ago, but we 're home now. lol.

  • sorenbarrett

    Much of the cynicism I hold is voiced in this poem and that too I think is designed. Nicely written

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