

What's a beggar without a hide 


The lowest profession a man could find 


To humble yourself to go so low 


Without a hide you wouldn't show 


Putting your trust in the generosity of man 


Seems to me a feeble plan 


But persistence pays, have a go... 


Same spot most days


Making a show.


Don't judge them 


Many I knew have now moved on to something new...


Or maybe just passed away?


I wonder how many have gone this way.


 They may have been angels?      

          Was unaware... 


Sharing a portion without a care...


Am I also a beggar bought with disgrace


Finding joy in another's face


Give me a forehead harder than flint


And a heart so soft it only squints...


In his rest


See the light


A hide so thick


No need to fight.









  • Author: Valiantstar (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2024 06:14
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    A beautiful message in this poem. So many judge the poor and unfortunate thinking it is their fault or that they could do better. Many are mentally ill, addicts and orphans uneducated and their but for the grace of God go I.

  • Bella Shepard

    We tend to judge a book by its cover all too often, never realizing the story that lies within, and everyone's life is a story. Good write!

  • Neville

    I work with many individual who have for various reasons fallen upon hard time .. fortunes can come and go in the blink of an eye .. I never judge .. no one ever sets out to become homeless, penniless or addicted to anything .. I think sorenbarrett sums it all up well in his earlier review .. a real good poem too .. Neville

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