By Destiny Caught

Dan Williams

The wren committing sparrow crimes

in torn up trash is glad to find

little grown-ups made up signs

on yellow paper with blue lines.

The careful lion commands esteem,

his ferocity not always what it seems.

roar of defiance now seldom rings;

he sleeps alone, perchance to dream.

The man explores his waking thoughts,

should wait for rest but he cannot;

for fear of being by destiny caught,

selling what he so recently bought.

The wind approaches carefully,

as if afraid what it might see.

Or worse, ignored, by the whisper tree

it diminishes and turns to flee.

  • Author: Dan Williams (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2024 23:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett, LP2187
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  • sorenbarrett

    This poem reads so well in its rhythm and rhyme but more so each stanza has its metaphoric meaning nicely tucked away. Loved it

    • Dan Williams

      Thank you again. I'm seldom sure about things I post, but your insightful appraisals do encourage me.

    • Thomas W Case

      Well crafted and powerful.

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