Poetry of the Undesired

Gaurav Gurung

I know a place where the Sun doesn’t shine,

Where kids rejoice and the adults whine,

Where Glacier of lies and rivers of deception intertwine,

Where they enrich the young with the money and the adults with wine,


The Ministers lie through their teeth and promise upliftment,

The poor are deceived and are fed more punishment.

They have no concept of Day or Night,

Anytime-Every time they struggle to fight,


The Kids exuberate innocence and liveliness


 The Adults showcase fatigue and tiredness,

It’s been years since they’ve heard those promises

It’s been months since they’ve opt for progressiveness

‘Impoverished, Imperfect, Unimportant”, call them what you may,

But when you’ll see their  hungry eyes and tiring demeanor,

You’ll have nothing to say.


Their generations

And their generations,

Will keep living this way

Unless the bureaucracy decides to help them,


Their generations

And their generations,

Will keep on suffering

Unless those in power come to hold them,

Till then,

For Eons and Eons and Eons and Eons to come

They’ll keep on wanting,

They’ll keep on crying,

They’ll keep on living,

They’ll keep on surviving.

  • Author: GG (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 5th, 2024 06:20
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: PumPum
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  • 2781

    Need something bigger than bureaucracy

    • Gaurav Gurung

      Let's work with base level a 🙂

      • 2781

        That's the problem, got to go higher!

      • sorenbarrett

        Plight of the poor, underprivileged, those with deficits represented here as a responsibility of the rest of us. Nicely stated.

        • Gaurav Gurung

          Im glad you liked this 🙂 Thank you for giving it a read

        • Tony36

          Great write

          • Gaurav Gurung

            I'm glad you enjoyed! Thank you

            • Tony36

              You're welcome

            • Doggerel Dave

              Have to agree with 2781 here. The trouble is..... 'those in power' and 'bureaucracy' are not the same, not equivalents.
              Impassioned plea I liked a lot.

              • Gaurav Gurung

                In India, the bureaucracy is a strong wing that can uplift the underprivileged but it's all the same, thyre heavily influenced by "those in power" i.e, the politicians.... So I thought I'd shoot statement against both of them

                • Gaurav Gurung

                  Thank you for giving it a read 🙂

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Who am I to enter into a debate on the state of play in India? I think not! However, in more general terms I see politicians as representing the interests of the rich and powerful, no matter which society is examined.

                    • Gaurav Gurung

                      Can't argue with such solid standings, can I? Well Thanks for the suggestion.. I'll surely implement it in my next social poetry and you sir are an integral part in shaping one of it

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