Physical & Mental Scars

Mark The Phenomenon

In the wreckage of the car, I lay Broken and battered, my bones astray.
The hospital room, a blur of white and gray,
A place where pain and healing chase the night away.

My body, a canvas of scars, a map of the past,
Each one was a reminder of the crash that would last.
The broken bones, they mended with time,
But the memories, linger, like a rhyme.

The doctors and nurses, they worked their care,
To make me whole, to chase the fear.
But the scars, remain a constant reminder,
On that day my life was forever shifted.

The car accident changed my path,
Left me with scars, both physical and mental math.
But even in the darkness, I find peace,
For I am alive, my spirit unseated.

  • Author: Mark The Phenomenon (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 5th, 2024 07:57
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
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  • Tony36

    Excellent write

  • sorenbarrett

    Painful memories can be seen as positive in that worse could have happened. Good write

  • Doggerel Dave

    I found that a real account of what remains after extreme physical trauma.

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