Is There Anything More Beautiful Than the Bow of a Ship touching a New World



the salt air lifts the   

horizon rises like breath   

over the waves, a silver   

promise in the morning light   


here is the curve of   

discovery, the whisper of   

adventure in the spray, the   

unknown land unfolding, its   


story waiting, like a new   

page, untouched by time or   

hands, the gulls call out   

a welcome to the brave  


souls on deck, eyes wide   

with dreams and longing,   

their hearts echo the rhythm   

of the sea's song, timeless  


and bright, under a sky   

so vast, so blue, it's as   

if the world has just been   

born, again, for them, for us  


each moment is new, each   

swell a promise, the journey   

a gift to be opened slowly,   

revealing the world anew

  • Author: gray0328 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 6th, 2024 10:48
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
  • Users favorite of this poem: Mason Vollman
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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    Beautiful imagery in this poem. Vivid and identifiable.

  • Doggerel Dave

    Rich imagery, but horrendous when the results of that touching are considered - havoc and devastation on the populations already resident in that new world.

    • gray0328

      Must be really taxing living with that glass perpetually half empty

      • Doggerel Dave

        Not half empty - history is history. Truth not fantasy.

        • gray0328

          Thanks for sharing your feedback Dave it gave me the idea to write a poem about how the settlers brought disease and such to the indigenous people who's Homeland they were invading

          • Doggerel Dave

            Sounds good to me - honest. I'll read with interest.

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