The Light


After being broken for so long, it feels like the pieces are coming together,

Because you were able to keep going, even through the terrible weather.

Even when things got hard, you knew you had to continue to go,

Because things would eventually get better, even when it seemed like this was something that 

you didn’t know.

You tried so hard to believe that you had the strength and determination in you,

But sometimes it felt like there was nothing else for you to do.

With everyday that past, it seemed like things were falling back into place,

And you do it, even though it took everything in you to finish that race.

Along the way, there were a lot of people that you lost,

But you are now okay with it, because finding yourself was worth that cost.

You know you are good, as long as you do not lose yourself again,

And if you have to lose you, then you know that they are not a true friend.

Even though your past is hard, it is not going to haunt you anymore,  

Because deep down you know what it is that you are fighting for.

You are fighting for a better life, you are fighting for you,

And you are no longer being held back because of the things that you have been through.

We know that it is going to be tough, and there are going to be challenges along the way,

You are just going to handle it with courage and grace, and take it day by day. 

You finally have the strength and courage to believe in you,

And you are so proud of yourself and how much you grew.

At one point, you didn’t think you would be able to make it out,

But you are no longer going to limit yourself, and you are no longer going to be filled with 


You are going to stay positive, and you are no longer going to think about what is going to 

happen if you fail,

No matter what happens, you are going after what you want, and you are creating your own trail.

This whole time you didn’t need anyone to believe in you, because you had it in you all along,

And from this day forward, you are just going to keep working and prove all of them that 

doubted you wrong. 

  • Author: 13LaurenD (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 7th, 2024 06:02
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: Maplespal
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  • sorenbarrett

    Perseverance and determination is the key to victory. Stated in many ways it says that when the going gets tough the tough get going

    • 13LaurenD

      That is very true!

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