
Dan Williams

All I see is getting worse

it robs me of my sleep;

the people of the preamble

converted to sheep.

In countless rising numbers

to glowing screens they link,

to be so lowly entertained;

 to be told what they should think.

This scourge infects their reason

affects their apathy,

though what is right in front of each of them

they plain refuse to see.

They sing this song so many times

till brain assumes it true;

when the sharp edge is later revealed

will sheep know what to do?

These many times duped citizens

spoon fed what to believe;

manufactured crisis, invented emergencies,

invisible cities with invisible thieves.

who have stolen from us logic

and will steal our hard earned rights

from these fools who have been turned into

witless sheep that will not fight.

Twist away from so called news

ignore these media freaks, remember;

the only wheel that gets the grease

is the one that squeaks.

  • Author: Dan Williams (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 8th, 2024 00:45
  • Comment from author about the poem: With apologies to actual sheep.
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 43
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, sorenbarrett, aDarkerMind
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  • Teddy.15

    lol actually I too live in a town much like this, I'm the black sheep of course. We say keeping up with the Jones's too, they go one direction I go the other, I love your interpretation it's quite a social wake up call. 🌹

    • Dan Williams

      I often write about lost love, but this is way sadder. Thanks for the kind words.

    • sorenbarrett

      Maybe it is only recently that we have seen ourselves as sheep. Awakening from the matrix this awareness leaves us paranoid and jaded believing in nothing and even more susceptible to manipulation by the wolves. Great write with very nice flow and rhyme loved it.

      • Dan Williams

        Paranoid and jaded, and on my bad days bitter and resentful. As always, thank you.

      • Doggerel Dave

        Where else do these sheep get their information from these days?
        I’ve lived between the UK and Australia over the years. (see personal profile)
        UK ‘60’s and ‘70’s – I obtained a three year social science degree when not only were my fees paid, but I had a living allowance paid also. Further, Adult education classes were free. Policy objective to build an informed public.
        In Australia at the same time, university education was free. A large proportion of our current politicians benefited. Now fees which may burden for the rest of an ex student’s life. Adult education classes not subsidised either. Only attendees are old fogies like me who can afford.
        My middle name , BTW is Squeakywheel…

        • Dan Williams

          I think the key here is "large proportion of current politicians benefited" It is because of this, only people who could change it benefit so much by status quo. Not holding my breath.

          • Doggerel Dave

            True 'social truths' are everywhere the result of repetition.
            Further all too easy for politicians to become lapdogs to the really rich and powerful.

          • Thad Wilk

            Terrific poem!! 👍
            Captivating and
            thought provoking indeed! 🤔
            Awesomazing rhyme,
            Rhythm, and flow AND
            a real pleasure to read!!
            Best regards ✌️ Thad

          • aDarkerMind

            one to savour here Dan.

            a very impressive write.

          • Dan Williams

            Well thank you very much.

          • Thomas W Case

            Powerful and poignant.

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