Kill Me Now

Mason Vollman

A Poem For Myself:


What if I said,

I could break your heart?


You should know how I feel about you.


The idea of another,


Is not an option.


No touch, thought, or word is an option.


You came with the package I need,


To take away my problems and sadness.


Don't change what you're doing for me,


I appreciate you the way you are;

Kind, Forgiving, and Dark.


Is what I know you to be with a smile.



You seem lost like you're scared of life,


But in all honesty,


You just want to be happy..


You just want to be with the person you love.


Either it's me.. or not..


You just want to live the life you want.


Think of me as that one person.


Think of me as you're do or don't.


Think of me as who you are and more.


Think that I live worse than you?


I don't have the luxury in life,


I'm trespassed and not trusted.


I'm underprivileged and shattered,


So if you love me.


Please be with me,


But if you don't...


Just kill me now.

  • Author: Mason Vollman (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 9th, 2024 13:04
  • Comment from author about the poem: We can't change the past, And the future isn't here yet. Yesterday was bad, and tomorrow is a mystery. Live Today. We can't change yesterday, But let's live for today. You both like each other? Put your past behind you. Live for today, not the mistake yesterday. not the pain tomorrow. Today! See what comes tomorrow, Forget about past mistakes, regrets. Live the life you want to live... Today...
  • Category: Letter
  • Views: 17
  • Users favorite of this poem: LP2187
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  • senjuro

    so amazing but is it really for you.…………?

    • Mason Vollman

      Not necessarily

      • senjuro

        thats what i thought

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