My Sweet Boy


Don’t you stir, my youngest son
Allow yourself to sleep
Although it seems you are alone
There is no need to weep


I’m here with you in every dream
I know it isn’t fair
I’m loving you from far away
The signs are always there


I hear each whimper, soft and sweet
Please let me hold your hand
And I will love you through the night
And help you understand


Daddy will be back someday
To wake with you, to laugh, to play 
But until then, my word is true
To give my heart, a gift for you


But when I’m there and mommy’s gone
Just close your eyes and hear her song
For she will never disappear 
She only sings for you to hear


She misses you with every breath
And will until there’s nothing left
All the warmth that you are feeling
Comes from mommy’s gift of healing


So, in these times please don’t forget
That family is a treasure 
The day will come, my youngest son
Where we are all together

  • Author: Cocamedo (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 10th, 2024 00:42
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cocamedo
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  • sorenbarrett

    To anyone with children of their own a most touching poem well written in good rhyme loved it.

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