Hurt People Hurt People


I fell in her trap

Deep slap

With the back of the gun

Kick down the steps

I saw the pain

Letting me think I could fix

Damn I'm getting sick

What was in that food

What was in that cup

Outside digging my grave

Thinking it would help

Deep cuts

Internal bleeding

Was her plan from the jump

I fell in her trap

Damn I shouldn't have came back

Her pain

Her pain

Her pain

Doesn't care 

Her pain

Her pain

Her pain

Was out to hurt me

Out to end me completely

All because 

She hurt



  • Author: Hanible (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 11th, 2024 09:53
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 31
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  • sorenbarrett

    Tit for tat they say step on someone's toes and a punch in the nose We all need to learn to turn the other cheek. Great write

  • Tony36

    Great write

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