Strength and grace


In the morning light, he stands, a towering form,
A manly figure sculpted by the hands of gods,
Broad shoulders, a fortress strong and warm,
Yet soft in gaze, where no harshness trods.
His eyes, twin pools of wisdom, deep and wide,
Reflecting worlds unseen, where intellect resides.
A mind that dances with the stars and skies,
Crafting dreams where only truth abides.
His hands, though firm, know how to heal,
With every touch, a promise, every word, a seal.
A heart that beats in rhythm with the earth,
Loving with a depth that defines his worth.
He is kindness wrapped in muscle and sinew,
A gentle giant, tender and true.
He knows to love with patience, with fire,
Igniting the soul with unspoken desire.
His laughter, a melody of the wind's sweet song,
In his embrace, you find where you belong.
No storm too fierce, no night too dark,
For he is the lighthouse, the guiding spark.
He listens with the soul, speaks with care,
In his presence, all burdens feel lighter to bear.
His love is not a fleeting, passing breeze,
But a steadfast tree, roots deep, leaves at ease.
In him, strength and tenderness intertwine,
A fusion of all that is bold, yet divine.
He is a man who knows how to love right,
With every breath, turning darkness into light.

  • Authors: Fanita530
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: August 27th, 2024 07:00
  • Limit: 10 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 6
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