

I hope death feels like

floating on your back in the ocean

muffled voices and laughter outside 

sand and seashells inside

half water

half sky

I hope it feels like being gently carried to shore 

a soft light above

and being swallowed by a comforting cold

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  • Thoughtless

    Perhaps it will. One can always hope. Nice write.

    • JoyJoy

      I hope so too. Thank You!

    • sorenbarrett

      Beautiful and worded so well. I hope so too.

    • MendedFences27

      Why write about death? If the mood is desperate enough that you write about it, then do something about it. Don't let the sadness overwhelm you. You are stronger than it. There are too many opportunities for happiness in this world to let sadness overcome you.

      Your poem was so powerful that I had write this. I hope it was just an exercise in creative writing. Either way Congrats on a well written poem. It got to me. - Phil A.

      • JoyJoy

        Thank you for your words Phil! Honestly, these words came to me as I was floating on my back in the ocean. It was an overwhelmingly beautiful sensation because I felt entirely at peace with the world and for a second I thought, I hope this is what it will feel like. No sadness, only peace and gratitude.

      • Cassie58

        Lovely poetic expression here. You make death sound welcoming. Pleased I stopped by.

      • Tony36

        Love it

      • Tony36

      • Dan Williams

        What, no bright lights and angels? I like your vision better. Nice work.

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