My Missing Peice

Mason Vollman

 Once upon a time,

My pain was so true,

My life was lifeless,

The sky's weren't blue.

Once upon a time,

Before I met you,

My brain was foggy,

My thoughts were chewed,

But now you've caught me,

Now I  found you,

Now your in my life,

Now my life is true,

My pain is obsolete,

The puzzle is complete,

I found my missing Peice.

My missing Peice is you.


Before I met you,

I stood alone and bemused,

In this afterlife,

Where love is bruised,

Seeking to grasp,

What cannot be seen,

The beauty of a love,

That once had been.

Before I met you,

My life was hell,

Without purpose,

Without a shell,

But now your here,

Everything is well,

Dont screw this up Mason!

Your chance has swelled,

Before I met you,

My life was incomplete,

Everything was hell,

I only knew defeat,

But now I can dwell,

I found my missing Peice!

Ever since I met you, 

My life's been complete!

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Comments +


  • Mackenz

    Nice poem, brought tears to my eyes. Has a wonderful hidden meaning☺

  • senjuro

    oh so cute!
    a lovely write!

  • orchidee

    Good write M.
    (No bag joke from me!).

  • Dan Williams

    Not crazy about the stacked phrases format but you made it work. Good job.

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