What More Could You Want?

Thomas W Case

Dean and I camped out behind
the shelter in Des Moines.
There was a nice patch of
woods north of the river.
We canned every day to
knock off the shakes.
Summer turned into
Fall and life raked
us in.
Dean moved in with
a friend, and I
went to this woman's

We eventually got
married; it didn't last long.
That's been years ago.
I lost track of Dean for
a long time.
By chance,
we stumbled upon each other via the

Fucking life!
He has stage 3 colon cancer.
Reality can be
rancid sometimes.
he's still camping,
and he has a
woman who loves him.
What more could
you want?

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 14th, 2024 14:28
  • Comment from author about the poem: Here is a link to my recently published, limited edition book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories. https://booksie.chainletter.io/i/thomaswcase888
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 76
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Bella Shepard, aDarkerMind
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  • Teddy.15

    Bittersweet, life in one word. Gorgeous poetry. 🌹

    • Thomas W Case

      You are so kind, sweet Teddy.

    • sorenbarrett

      Great story and some great lines "accidentally got married" loved it.

    • Mason Vollman

      This life is just the appetizer for a four course meal.

    • Doggerel Dave

      A richly textured life which doesn't need laundering, and is all the more interesting for that.

      • Thomas W Case

        Thank you, I appreciate it.

      • orchidee

        A sensitive write Tom.

        • Thomas W Case

          Thank you, my friend.

          • orchidee

            What more could I want? A pork pie! Random thing there. lol.

          • Bella Shepard

            Here you present the twists and turns of life in this well told story. Totally relatable. Good write!

          • Tom Dylan

            A powerful poem, my friend. Life hits hard sometimes and you capture it perfectly. Cheers, Tom

            • Thomas W Case

              Thank you. Much appreciated.

            • Cassie58

              At least he has a woman who loves him. Life can be so damn cruel at times. Great read Thomas.

              • Thomas W Case

                Thank you. Much appreciated.

              • aDarkerMind

                a fucking life indeed Thomas.
                written as only you know how my friend.

                • Thomas W Case

                  Thank you, brother. I appreciate it.

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