Elegance in the New Air

Sajid Hussain 69

Elegance in the New Air
O chalice of life's bitterness, be sweetened,
O path of knowledge, let me roam,
In my autumn, spring gently awakens,
A luminous dawn of impending morn,
With the rapture of exultation with new discovery ,
Brimming with joy amidst the sorrow,
On the path of erudition to traverse,
Charts the arid expanse of my wanderings,
Pondering the goblet of life's acerbic elixir,
As nectarous wine I relish in reflection,
To create eloquent declarations of affection,
The ember's glow swirls within my dominion,
In the cresting wave of celestial refuge,
The ardent quest stirs a pursuit,
Eve of heart's delight to ease the curious eye,
For the mind to be devoid of care amidst chaos,
I may inhale the essence of nascent renewal.
Sajid Hussain from Pakistan ©

  • Authors: Sajid Hussain 69
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: August 29th, 2024 23:30
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Category: Fantasy
  • Views: 2
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