Given All You Got


When you've given all, you've got
And you feel no one has a heart
Where are you to turn
When all you want to do is burn
We're only given one life on earth
It's such a shame, I've been a disappointment since birth
I wish to meet my ancestors in heaven
But for me I deserve to be burnt in an oven
It's such a shame I've wasted everyone's time
I guess it's time to move to hell, with my kind
I thought I was nice and good to all
But much like lucifer from heaven to hell I am doomed to fall
All I've wished for was a little love
Unfortunately for me, I won't see it here or heaven above
So, no one knows I live in fears
And every day I hide it and end in tears
I don't know why people want to hurt me
I just finally want to be set free, whatever that may be
Please stop hating on me, God bless you and God Bless me.

What's Left When You've Given All U Got.
Not A Thing, Not Alot.
Shot N The Heart Then Left 2 Rot.
Bright Has Turned N2 The Darqueness That Won't Leave.
Live? Why?, When All I'll Ever Do Iz Grieve.
Beleive N Nothing. There Iz Only Hopelessness.

  • Authors: MB (Pseudonym), Broken Ankh
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: August 30th, 2024 04:00
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Public (any user can participate)
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 5
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