Goodbye, Pops


A crack in the family.
The support beams are crumbling.
There is no escaping.
Nowhere to run.
We all hold each other.
Begging for a sign.
You were our comfort.
Our calm.
Our safety net.
Our leader.
Please don’t go.




All we have left, love and memories.
Stories and laughter.
An idiot and a genius.
Funny because of you.
Loud because of you.
Proud because of you.
Loving because of you.
Not giving up because of you.
Let me follow your steps.


I listened to you breathe.
Waiting for it to end.
Not wanting it to.
But expecting it to.
Each rattle leading to silence.
Back to breathing.
Back to silence.
Never hearing your voice again.
Only breathing.
Please don’t go.



  • Author: Cocamedo (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 16th, 2024 00:12
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cocamedo
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  • sorenbarrett

    A great first person form in this moving write. Fear of loss of someone valued and what the future will bring without them. Nicely done

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