Closed and Clothed


why is it that we can feel
people's eyes as they look
at us? is it our fear that
they may observe long enough
to see everything concealed 
beneath the curtains we display?
why can we feel it as though
it passes fiercely through our bones? 
a burning sensation it is,
like freezing water melting 
your smooth skin and 
exposing your wretched heart as it
slowly ceases to beat. 
can they see my thoughts as
they race through my veins,
leaving holes everywhere and
causing them eternal scars?
can they see the stains 
of the muddy river that flows 
from my eyes down to the floor,
and finally drowning us all?
maybe i should close my eyes,
for it may finally hide the war inside me,
or perhaps everything, or nothing at all.

  • Author: Mya H. (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 16th, 2024 07:47
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 22
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  • Thoughtless

    It's called the Spotlight Effect. Most people aren't even looking. They are suffering from that same effect. Nice writing.

  • sorenbarrett

    Eyes closed keep all that we don't want to see seem not real of there. I hear the anguish in this poem nicely written

  • Tony36

    Excellent write

  • Dan Williams

    You might be giving too much credit to people. Most are aloof, unconcerned. Nice write though.

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