The soul that exists


I longed masochist soul

that was deeply buried 

This is a juniper tree

could't be shine on

It grew, grew ,grew

it died, had been ashes

i tried, and it died

It shot up in unknown corner

Ashes, Ashes

I can see its radiance

I  caressed its slender branch head

sighed out

Ah, i eager for your resuscitation

I felt you around

I felt you are the deeper of i am


Devouring me with your invisible hands

I stayed still, and smiled

being able to feel your existence


  • Author: Justina (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 17th, 2024 10:28
  • Comment from author about the poem: Maybe I'm talking nonsense, but don't criticize me
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 23
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  • sorenbarrett

    Enigmatic words and phrases make this poem worth pondering. Nicely said.

    • Justina

      thank you! Glad you like it

    • Thoughtless

      Striving for balance and harmony.
      Longing for peace, spirituality and protection with the aid of the Juniper tree.

      • Justina

        thank you! Glad you read my poem carefully

        • Thoughtless

          You are welcome.

        • kwrites

          It was such a beautiful read. I truly am in awe of it. looking forward to reading more of your work.

          • Justina

            Oh thank you for reading it

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