


Lingering absence of your

Shattering me into million pieces

Longing for your warmth

By burning into silent ashes 


I can't move on from you

Still knowing u would have forgotten me

I am here all alone among crowds

Still looking for your one glance


Wondering how to travel back to you

Turning into emotionless day by day

By thinking i can't get back to you

Something is dying inside me

Because i am longing to meet you



It's paining just thought of  

If already you have someone else

It's breaking me apart

If you already moved on from me



Hating this distance of us

Living as body with dead soul

Craving for your voice 

Still can't talk with u for once



Can't tell you , how i feel for you

So far away from you

You are staying in mind like its yours

So i turn you to poem as mine


Its absolutely not right that

You are mine

But whether you accept or not

I am forever yours



This absence of yours

Breaking me apart into million pieces

Come back to me & provide me a gentle embrace. 


  • Author: Blossompayal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 17th, 2024 11:31
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: Thoughtless
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  • Thoughtless

    Strange how something as love, which can be wonderful, can be so heart rendering. Absence makes it harder.

  • sorenbarrett

    The other side of love and one might say its shadow are the darkness left when out of the light.

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