to suffer just to suffer


if you said that you would like to follow down my path
a path of pain a path of sorrow i know that i would laugh


who would want to suffer? just to suffer? just for fun?
but if you think your tougher then the sufferings begun


dont be afraid to follow if the sufferings for you
but to suffer just to suffer means the sufferings not true


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  • Justina

    Like your thoughts

  • sorenbarrett

    Cleverly worded this is so true and speaks to the hypocrisy of those that want to look like they are suffering as a pretense to gain sympathy and support from others. Very nice

    • MR.apocalypse

      thank you for taking your time to look at my work

    • Alan R


      • MR.apocalypse

        This is one of my favorites 😄 if you like this one I would suggest you look at sone others

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