The Great Debate


Sweetness, do you remember

The time that we fought

You may have forgotten

For I, dear, have not


That when God calls upon one of us

To the gate

We both have a question

Turned into debate


I have no doubts of his answer

But just to be sure

He weighs and he measures

Whose love is most pure


Always assuming I’d be first to pass

I’d wait in excitement, While you drag your ass

After many long years of yearning for me

Finally it was your time to be free


Watching you follow a light to the heavens

I’d jump and I’d cheer, to help guide you in


The tears flowing freely, this joyous reunion

Again we’re together, my greatest of friends


Then finally, proclaiming the news I had heard

“My love, you treated me as if I’m absurd,

But God finally tallied up each of our score

And I’m proud to announce,

that I love you more!!”


  • Author: Cocamedo (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2024 02:38
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
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  • sorenbarrett

    A clever and fun read well written.

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