The universal


You reach the universal by staying at home 

The cat purring  on your  lap ,

a cup of tea or coffee that empties 

like the fountain of a sleeping memory .

Beloved  shadows smile and pass silently by ...

The old clock  ticking  away the tale of lives.

For so long resting under a graying  marble,

leaving me alone  with heartbreak  of a soul

yearning  for  the heights ...

The universal is like a wise book closed 

over held-back  tears ...

In the evening of life we look back ,

greeting with acceptance the years gone

by like clouds in a hurry ...

And we find  the universal child .

  • Author: lorenz (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2024 10:27
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 33
  • Users favorite of this poem: Ellen Marsell
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  • sorenbarrett

    A write that gives pause and requires more than one reading and even then it goes deep.

    • Lorenz

      At the end of the path we look back..I am a fresh incarnated soul !

    • Doggerel Dave

      In my old armchair an even older occupant who has greater truth, more perspective than when involved in the events and relationships now recalled.
      Rich in detail, your portrait feels like empathy to me.

      • Lorenz

        Soothing reflection.Thank you !

      • Dan Williams

        In "the evening of life" I do feel that clock ticking. I suppose we all contemplate our evening; you do it so well.

        • Lorenz

          With infinite sweetness ...

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