Tell Me My Love

Mason Vollman

Tell me my love,


Can I hug?


can I cry?


Can we talk?


Stand by my side.


Can I walk beside you?


Can I understand?


Can I tell you my thoughts?


Can I hold your hand?


Tell me what you're afraid of,


Tell me, is it okay to love?


Tell me more about you,


Is any of this from above?


What do you want to be when your older?


Do you have any hobbies?


I don't know much about you,


Am I annoying? I'm sorry.


Can I talk to you?


Can I smile?


Can I walk beside you?


Can I cry?


Is this worth while?


Tell me, is it change your afraid of?


Or is it love?


Can I hold you?


Can I hug?


Your afraid of change aren't you.


We're not getting anywhere are we?



Stand beside me.


I want to talk to you.


Can I ask you some questions?


Is it okay if I mention,


I want to hold your hand?


Tell me, can I walk beside you?


Can I hold your hand?


Can we laugh together?


Im your biggest fan.


Tell me, can I hold you?


Tell me, can I hug?


I know your feelings are true.


Can I understand?


Can I tell you my thoughts?


Can I hold your hand?


Tell me, Can I love?

  • Author: Mason Vollman (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2024 16:06
  • Comment from author about the poem: A poem of my thoughts written down.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: LP2187
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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    A series of questions detailing the thoughts and relationship. Nicely ordered and even repeated well done

  • jarcher54

    I truly enjoyed the scrolling with anticipation and curiosity. How long will this poor guy suffer? Will she answer? Sigh...

  • senjuro

    its so amazing lol
    im sure she would say yes

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