The Unfinished House of Stone



Stonehenge is a very old site of course,

people say it’s of a religious source.

Yet I have too much of an informed mind,

to believe the lies of everyone’s kind.

As smart as humanity thinks it is or can be,

it is so plainly obvious to someone like me.

An unfinished community house is all that’s there.

Honestly, these are around the world everywhere.

There was to be a wooden and straw roof to install,

but as you can see the unfinished house started to fall.

Something forced the people to abandon the site,

leaving it an unfinished and an intriguing visual sight

Don’t you worry only with you I share this view.

No reason to upset the uniformed of all of you.

People were looking for answers of its purpose,

they decided it is a monument for religious service.





  • Author: Maplespal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 19th, 2024 04:57
  • Comment from author about the poem: Something different
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
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  • sorenbarrett

    A fun read and different indeed. Nicely done

  • Doggerel Dave

    Up there with all other explanations i've ever heard.
    Neat simple explanation may well win the day.

  • Bella Shepard

    Sometimes the simplest answer is the best. Good for you!

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