The Scalpel Saga...


I can't believe I am here

buried deep in theory 

I wanted to be a doctor 

and did I really think it was gonna be easy?


I thought life was going to be Greys Anatomy 

here I am spending late nights in a library,

meet my new best friend , the coffee in my hand 

while I memorize the diseases that are everything bland. 


I juggle the scalpel with grace and care,

hoping for a stich beyond compare.

but sometimes, the needle just won't go through,

and I am left wondering, "Is this déjà vu?"


living a life of complain

yet feels like I want this pain 

is this what the path feels like?

when you are aiming for an epic saga

well, what is life without a little melodrama!











  • Author: kwrites (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 19th, 2024 06:26
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 9
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  • 2781

    Name withheld for obvious reasons!

    • kwrites

      thank you so much for your response!

    • sorenbarrett

      Ah the labor to pay one's dues and enter the trade. It is not always what one imagined it to be. The work is harder, the days are longer, and the excitement is duller. Nicely written

      • kwrites

        yes! couldn't have put it in a better way. thank you so much for reading it.

      • Tony36

        Great write

        • kwrites

          thank you for your read!

          • Tony36

            You're welcome

          • Thoughtless

            It ain't Scrubs either. Nothing is expected. Nice expression of your angst.

            • kwrites

              hey, thank you for the response, friend!

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