Can I Just Stay Sleep


This is coming from a person who can't sleep

Popping pill after pill

I finally went to sleep


Bright light

I think the Sun is trying to peak

Under a pillow I hide my face

Lost of the time

My body has been fighting me all night

Jumping up every second

In the mirror begging


Can I escape

Can I close my eyes

And sleep 

So I won't feel no pain

So I can't hear this crazy world

Can I just stay sleep 

Can someone please place my body 

6ft deep

  • Author: Hanible (Online Online)
  • Published: August 20th, 2024 11:34
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 41
  • Users favorite of this poem: NinjaGirl
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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    Insomnia a terrible thing. Hope you can over come it.

  • Tony36

    Insomnia sucks. Great write

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