What Needs to be Said

Accidental Poet

What Needs to be Said


Let no man put himself above

The people he shares the land with

That he alone should not be above any law

Or be dismissed of any criminal justice system

For a man proven guilty in a court of law

No matter who he is

Is excused with a “Get out of jail” card

Every man shall be judged in the end

For the life he has led good or bad

When one man misuses and disrespects

Whatever power he has gained

Let that power be his downfall

Leaving him in ruins


No copyright for what needs to be said.

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  • sorenbarrett

    Great words too good to be real. Never the less a great ideal. Loved it

    • Accidental Poet

      Thanks soren, really appreciate the read and compliment.

    • Doggerel Dave

      Many thanks AP. there can be no doubt where your heart lies.
      (Vid also links on to the Obamas so I was spoon fed without much effort on my part.)

      • Accidental Poet

        Thanks Dave, just had to get it out of my system. πŸ™„

        • Doggerel Dave

          Much attention paid here to the way it is all going - can't imagine the tension when in the middle of it.
          Look after yourself.

          • Accidental Poet

            I have to, Trump is too busy looking after himself. πŸ™„

            • Doggerel Dave

              Focus on Kamala, mate. And steady breathing exercises.......😊

              • Accidental Poet

                That's the plan. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

              • Goldfinch60

                So very true AP, how can he get away with it!


                • Accidental Poet

                  He shouldn't be able get away with it. What goes around comes back around. Sooner or later he'll get what's coming to him.

                • Teddy.15

                  Trump has turned the USA political road into a trite Hollywood movie, I still cannot believe he got the job the first time round, and not to forget how he ended it with the riots. I wish you well A.P let's hope something good comes of all this publicity and lets hope that your country isn't divided down the middle this time, and let's hope that whoever gets the job does it with pride without prejudice and makes America the most powerful and great country it has always been before The Trump administration. Phew, my speech over lol πŸ˜† 🌹

                  • Accidental Poet

                    Thanks Teddy, the circus and its ringmaster's show will be over soon. I just can't understand how so many can be brainwashed by him to follow him. The guy's a moron and an idiot. Those two might be though of the same thing, but in his case he has that unique ability to do both at the same time. I just hope that the world sees that not all of Americans are his minions. πŸ™„

                    • Teddy.15

                      Oh no I have never met an American who likes trump we ha e some here they moved here because he was the president. 🌹 they have a much better life here.

                      • Accidental Poet

                        I heard someone say that he plans to leave the country if he loses the election. My hope is that aliens will abduct him for scientific study of what makes a moron tick. πŸ‘½

                        • Teddy.15

                          I feel the same about many politicians in the UK and here in Italy lol

                        • orchidee

                          I wish they would stop trusting someone with such a dodgy barnet (hairstyle)! They won't get anywhere. (lol).

                          • Accidental Poet

                            From what I've read, he plans to leave the country if he loses the election. Gee, maybe he'll join you in singing karaoke. 😁

                            • orchidee

                              Yes lol.

                            • Cassie58

                              I don’t envy you going through the fiasco of elections. We have just had ours. You know AP, I am so put off by politicians of all flavours st the moment. The rule of the land should apply to all though, no exemptions or two tier systems which we seem to have in place here. I hope you get a unifier. Division causes such angst. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

                              • Accidental Poet

                                Well Cassie, it looks like Kamala Harris is gaining ground which leads me to believe that more Americans are coming to their senses that Trump is a raging lunatic. Even Republican voters are saying they'll vote for Harris. Hope your Thursday is Idiot free. πŸ™„

                              • Michael Edwards

                                Great write and let us all hope for the purposes of world peace and harmony that this buffioon in cognitive decline is consigned to a far off land. Perhaps to live in an orange grove where he can hide and will be difficult to spot.

                                • Accidental Poet

                                  Well, I'm hearing that he plans to leave the U.S. if he doesn't win the election. As I said to Teddy, my hope is that aliens will abduct him for scientific study of what makes a moron tick. πŸ‘½

                                • Neville

                                  I think you already know what I think about the B**T**D .. and I so hope your last few lines her are prophetic πŸ‘

                                  • Accidental Poet

                                    For quite some time now I've had a belief that "what goes around, comes back around" and knowing what we all know of Trump's history of lying and his intentions for the future if he wins, its not surprising that his life has been threatened twice now. But I'm quite sure his own stupidity will lose the election for him. He is proving himself as not qualified for being a leader of the United States of America. Thanks for reading and the comment N.

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