Eternal Happiness


Moments of joy that I cannot explain

Life far from the troubles of yesterday

Smiles on my face I'm unable to refrain

Teasing and laughter scenes set on replay


"How long will this last?" I ask in wonder

Will this emotion remain and not go?

Questions that my mind begin to ponder

I will choose to trust in the One I know


Surroundings change on a daily basis

Who can know what will happen tomorrow?

Days can be difficult and ungracious

Yet I can choose happiness and not sorrow


Because You are the key to life long joy

Something that even death could not destroy

  • Author: Pita (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 20th, 2024 21:00
  • Category: Religion
  • Views: 7
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  • Thoughtless

    Yes. Love transcends death. But what is death but a door into another room? Our beliefs all vary. One thing on which we all agree. Death comes to all of us. Is it a door into darkness or light? I believe in the world to come. If I am wrong, then I will have gone to sleep for but a night even if it's eternity. Otherwise, I'll be reunited with my wife, family in friends. We shall recount our days and find the form for which we are suited. Thank you for your thoughtfully written piece.

    • Pita

      Thank you for reading.

      • Thoughtless

        You are welcome. Is this experience or fiction or a little of both??

        • Pita

          Experience but I didn't write what it's about because I'd like to leave that up for interpretation. Other than what is already implicated by the title anyway. I think it's wonderful to read others interpretation of poems like yours.

          • Thoughtless

            Perhaps you might read some of mine and apply some constructive criticism. Thanks in advance.

          • sorenbarrett

            A most wonderful attitude expressed in this short poem well worded and rhymed.

            • Pita

              Thanks for commenting!

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