

Why are we facing drought
When seas hold plenty of water
It’s because of global warming
That the world is getting hotter

A trickle of water
That leaks from a tap
Can in the future
Change the shape of your map

Cutting down trees
Instead of planting more
Is the root cause
Of bringing trouble to our door

Safe and clean water
That was free and oh so clean
Is now sold in bottles
And in supermarkets mainly seen

Water-borne diseases
Are now so very rife
That it’s no wonder at all
They are claiming many a life

This is a clarion calling
And a final wake-up call
For the lakes and wells are emptying
And we are against the wall

So on this ‘world water week’
Let’s take a pledge
To save and conserve water
And move in, from the edge

  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 20th, 2024 23:11
  • Comment from author about the poem: conserving it is the need of the day
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 63
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Cassie58, Qurrathul Ain
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  • Doggerel Dave

    The promise, apparently is that as the world heats more evaporation and hence increased rain. And in Sydney it is quite possible to believe that, as for the past several months more rain has poured down than we can possibly need. However, it appears that this effect is not evenly distributed....
    Your poem has more content though, as you point to the general disregard of the environment which for the moment seems universal except for small scattered efforts. Thanks for that.

  • NafisaSB

    yes - sad but true that areas needing rain are being deprived, while others being inundated
    someone surely laughing up there - bcos evaporation should cause rain, but there is more drought all around..

  • Teddy.15

    Beautiful, I live in Italy, and it's more tropical these days, crazy weather, we recycle everything here in this country, the boats leave their trash in the sea though. A wonderful discussion. 🌹

    • NafisaSB

      seems to be a universal failing - dumping waste matter in the ocean - but Italy, i am told is beautiful, and worth a visit - looking forward to doing it while still mobile..

    • sorenbarrett

      The more people the more our need for water. Conserve water and stop population increase.

      • NafisaSB

        you hit the nail on the head

      • Neville

        This little poem was crying out to be writ and screams out an important message to us all .. I am glad I came by this way today .. Kindest Regards, Neville

        • NafisaSB

          actually -though it's the need of the day, wrote it within an hour , to publish on another site that asked for poems/articles on water conservation..

        • Cassie58

          So eloquently written. Water is so precious. We have a great deal of rainfall, but not enough reservoirs to catch it when it falls. Instead, the rivers get overburdened and are prone to flooding. Not only that to the shame of our water companies, sewage pollutes our rivers. This is a huge subject to tackle and you dear poet have given us much to contemplate. A world wide problem, not just local. 🌹

          • NafisaSB

            i can empathize with this, as the lakes supplying our city-Mumbai- with this precious item, are not desilted/cleaned regularly; pipes are broken, and the population growing by leaps and bounds...yes -it's a universal problem.

          • Thomas W Case


            • NafisaSB

              thank you - God bless you

            • Thoughtless

              Here in the United States, we seem to always be in a perpetual state of drought. It's especially that way here in Kansas which has always been dry. The first settlers here did so because of heavy rainfall. They soon found out that Kansas never gets that much rain. Now we get it in bursts with heavy flooding followed by long dry spells. People often do not understand climate change because the climate itself is not local. If we get a hard winter, somebody will have sign in their car window on which is written like this, Damn this global warming. They don't understand. I never finished university, yet some of the grads that I have known are less educated than I am. I could not have said that a few years ago. They pick one subject and only get a dilettante's view of math or earth sciences. They are sadly lacking in logical reasoning as well. That being written, some kids are beginning to study more subjects in depth. So, there is hope.

              • NafisaSB

                your reasoning is so powerful, and i agree that education does not give a person knowledge - experience is the better teacher.
                thankfully, my daughter is doing her PH.D in sustainability and conservation - so yes, there is hope..

              • adnan it is

                "A trickle of water
                That leaks from a tap
                Can in the future
                Change the shape of your map"

                This can be interpreted in many ways that's the beauty!!! Keep writing

                • NafisaSB

                  thank you - i hope the muse keeps inspiring me, and i churn out poems that will touch the hearts..i wish you the same too

                  • adnan it is

                    Thank you !! Keep it living

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